Step 4 – Install Beta Application (speed depends on Internet Connection) Step 3 – Find Plex Media Server and select Join Beta Previously these steps might be needed by most people but were not directed by the application especially clearly, so having these steps integrated into the formal setup is actually quite a smart idea by Synology. Installing Plex on a NAS with DSM 7.0 is actually VERY similar to that of installing it on a DSM 6.2 Synology NAS, however, there are a few small changes in the process which allow Plex Media Server to access the correct directories. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this guide. Alternatively, there is a video at the bottom of the page that will walk you through even quicker. So, today I wanted to walk you through, step by step, how to install Plex on a DSM 7 Synology NAS from beginning to end and ensure you get it right, first time. However, those of you who have the most recent DSM7 upgrade (with DSM 7.01 and 7.1 already rolling out over 2022 gradually) will have found that the process for installing Plex has changed noticeably. If you are running a Synology NAS drive with DSM 6.2 and are wondering how to install Plex Media Server, it is still remarkably straight forward and a full video walkthrough guide on this can be found HERE. However, the process for installing Plex media server on your Synology NAS changed, with DSM changing access privileges and defaults for 3rd party programs in order to ensure their solutions were as secure as possible. Last year, Synology updated its system software and services platform, Diskstation Manager, from version 6.2 to 7.0 and improved a number of the system’s abilities and processes.

They are the brand that produces some of the most user-friendly, yet powerfully efficient (yes, that is a thing!) servers in the market in 2022 and are often a highly recommended choice for setting up a slick, polished media streaming solution that uses YOUR movies/boxsets.

If you have been looking at buying a NAS drive for Plex to use as your own private Netflix, then there is a very good chance that you have heard the name ‘Synology’. 5.1 Related A Guide to Installing Plex Media Server on your Synology NAS with the DSM 7