Now, install the JAVA encryption files: curl -v -j -k -L -H "Cookie:oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" > jce_policy-8.zipĪnd copy them to the correct directory: cp UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK8/* /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51/jre/lib/security/Īnd make sure it says 8. You can download jar file jdk8 1.9.9 in this page. (There's a known-issue, our RPM overwrites the JCE Policy file.) Annotated JDK 8 consists of bytecode implementing the Open JDK Java 8 api annotated with Checker. If you need to upgrade or install WiKID, do so now. The archive file can be installed by anyone (not only root users), in any location that you can write to. Before the file can be downloaded, you must accept the license agreement. (There's a bug in release 4.0.3-b1903 that over-writes the JCE policy with older ones.) jdk-8uversion-linux-圆4.tar.gzand (version 8u271 and later) for 64-bit ARM systems. Install the rpm: rpm -ivh jdk-8u51-linux-i586.rpmĪt this point you should upgrade your WiKID rpms. Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world. If you are on our pre-4.0.1-b1903 ISO or 32 bit linux use this: curl -v -j -k -L -H "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" > jdk-8u51-linux-i586.rpmįor 64 bit: curl -v -j -k -L -H "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" > jdk-8u51-linux-圆4.rpm winget install -e -id Oracle.JavaRuntimeEnvironment. Check to see of there's a newer version and use that file name instead. Note that these commands are for jdk-8u51. You can go to the Oracle website and download it or you can use the commands below. However, our earlier ISO is based on Centos 5 and it's not available for that version so installing the Oracle JDK is an option. Note that you can install openjdk 8: yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk